
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

"Sling-ing" in style!

So my little princess (age 4) broke her arm (her RIGHT arm, none the less) at cheerleading practice last week. Her break is "un-cast-able" and she will have to wear a sling for the next month... which was great news! (she really was SO lucky!) But when the doctor handed her a boring old blue sling, she wasn't so excited. She might only be 4, but she still has a fashion sense! I thought, why not make our own?! Now, I still consider myself a beginner seamstress, but this was SUPER easy!

We headed to the store and found this cute "Strawberry Shortcake" fabric, along with matching ribbon for a strap and bias tape for the edge. We also were lucky enough to find the metal piece to hold the strap up. I literally just traced around the blue sling from the doctor to make the pattern and went to town.

She also wanted it "soft" (duh, right?) So despite the fact that her arm would be hot, I found this fleece to add inside for her comfort. A girls gotta be comfortable!

And for fun we found some buttons to add some flair.. so cute right? You wouldn't even know her arm is injured the way she's been carrying on. I have to tell her to be careful!

Now, hopefully she feels a bit better about wearing a sling, since hers is SO cute!

1 comment:

  1. This is the first time I have been on your blog it is super cute!!! I love it!!
